Tennis elbow?
Golfer's elbow?
Mouse elbow?
Help at last!
- Unique operating principle
- Immediate relief
- Not a conventional bandage
- Ideal for everyday life, work & sport
Immediate relief for tennis elbow, golfer's elbow & mouse elbow!
Do you suffer from tennis elbow or golfer's elbow? Our new and unique active principle can also help you to defeat this ailment once and for all.
Browse through hundreds of real testimonials from our customers, watch TV reports & videos and let us convince you!
Finally pain-free again with the Masalo cuff!
What helps with tennis elbow & golfer's elbow?
What causes painful epicondylitis and what provides immediate and lasting relief?
Find out the cause of the injury and what really helps against the pain in just 30 seconds - clearly explained and without complicated "medical jargon".
We wish you a speedy recovery!

Drag the slider completely to the right to see the cause of the pain - drag the slider to the left to see how the Masalo® Cuff MED works against tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, mouse elbow (epicondylitis).
Cause of epicondylitis
With every movement of the arm and fingers, tensile forces act on the tendon insertions of the forearm.
Repeated movements and overloading of the muscles cause tiny micro-tears, which can then become inflamed.
This is known as tennis elbow, golfer's elbow or mouse elbow.
Tractive forces? Countertraction!
The Masalo® cuff uses the unique counter-tension principle and provides immediate relief for the tendon insertions.
The negative tensile forces are reduced or completely stopped and cannot continue to act on the injured tendons.
The injury can heal and the arm can be fully used again.
Masalo® cuff on Welt der Wunder TV
Welt der Wunder reported on our clever tennis brace as part of the health program "Life Goes On".
Here, the unique counter-traction principle is explained and scrutinized by a renowned sports physician.
You can find more TV reports and videos here:
Tennis elbow? Golfer's elbow? What exactly is it?
Millions of people in Europe suffer from epicondylitis.
But what exactly is epicondylitis, better known as tennis elbow, golfer's elbow or mouse elbow, and above all:
How do you get rid of this insidious injury?
With every movement of the arm, fingers or wrist, tensile forces from the forearm muscles and tendons act on the tendon insertions (epicondyles) at the elbow.
Unusually high loads, strenuous or repetitive movements of the arm can lead to injuries in the form of micro-tears at these tendon insertions, which can then become inflamed. The pain can occur at rest as well as during exertion and the quality of life of those affected is often severely restricted.
You can find more detailed information about epicondylitis on our information page page.

If tensile forces are causing the injuries, isn't it best to relieve the affected area with a counter traction?
As soon as the tensile forces are absorbed by a counter-traction system, shouldn't this clearly support the healing process and alleviate or even eliminate the pain?
This is exactly what the Masalo® cuff does.
The counter-traction system provides immediate and lasting relief for the affected area. The tendon insertions are protected, pain is relieved and healing is positively supported - even though the arm continues to be fully used. The stressful tensile forces of muscles and tendons are absorbed and "redirected" to the upper arm strap, protecting the injured area. Thanks to the unique design of the Masalo® cuff, it can be worn permanently day and night and can be used for both "tennis elbow" and "golfer's elbow".
The Masalo® cuff is washable and can therefore also be worn in professions with high hygiene standards as well as for swimming, water sports and much more.
The counter-traction system provides immediate and lasting relief for the affected area. The tendon insertions are protected, pain is relieved and healing is positively supported - even though the arm continues to be fully used. The stressful tensile forces of muscles and tendons are absorbed and "redirected" to the upper arm strap, protecting the injured area. Thanks to the unique design of the Masalo® cuff, it can be worn permanently day and night and can be used for both "tennis elbow" and "golfer's elbow".
The Masalo® cuff is washable and can therefore also be worn in professions with high hygiene standards as well as for swimming, water sports and much more.
As the experiences of other sufferers have shown, it is very easy with the Masalo® cuff it is even possible to return to sport very quickly without pain despite epicondylitis/epicondylopathy. pain-free sport even weight training and fitness training are quickly possible again.
When playing tennis, experience has shown that the racket position is improved. Stabilizing the elbow leads to greater power and accuracy, even in golf. Those affected have also benefited from the cuff in other sports such as javelin throwing, handball, volleyball, bodybuilding, etc.
Doctor's opinion
"To date, I haven't had a single patient who hasn't responded well to it."
Dr. Johannes Sailer, a specialist in orthopaedics and orthopaedic surgery from Vienna, and his patients are enthusiastic about the Masalo® cuff - in this video he explains how it works from a medical and scientific point of view - far removed from marketing slogans and empty words.
Tests & experience reports:
Browse through hundreds of verified customer reports or watch TV reports, doctors' tests and other videos about our cuff.